Monday, March 2, 2009

March 6, 2009 - 125th Wedding Anniversary of John P. and Matilda Greninger

Friday, March 6, 2009 marks the 125th wedding anniversary of my great-grandparents John P. and Matilda Johanna Augusta Doerge Greninger, who were the original owners of the friendship quilt-top, which latter became known as The Jones Creek Quilt.

The quilt-top was found in the dirt cellar of the house that once belonged to my grandparents, Grady and Edith Greninger Smith, by my step-mother Louise Pritchard Hamilton in 1997. It was presented to me as a gift upon the birth of my son, Sky Hamilton Texier who was born that same year.

The quilt-top was quickly dubbed and affectionally called The Jones Creek Quilt -- named for the creek that ran through the two adjoining properties owned by my grandmother and her parents.

The quilt-top was passed down from mothers to daughters: Matilda Greninger to Edith Greninger Smith to Mary Ruth Smith Hamilton to Mary "Sequoia" Hamilton.

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